Equality for All.
Rise Against Hate's mission is to raise awareness about racism and civil rights, investigate racial disparities, and provide public awareness in law. Since 2020, we've accomplished this through research, investigations, and providing results and information to the public. Additionally we will provide training to further raise awareness.
A Community Voice.
Rise Against Hate holds virtual events to raise awareness of important problems throughout the nation and in our own neighborhoods. Join us for a future event and let your voice be heard!
Data and Solutions.
We strive to offer solutions to pressing issues using research and data that reflects the complexity of our modern world. Using field research, guidance from experts, and a team or focused volunteers, we create reports and training programs that can create positive change.
Funded by You.
Rise Against Hate is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit that runs entirely off of the support of users like you. If you would like to support Rise Against Hate and play a pivotal role in ensuring a safe and equal nation for all, consider donating today!
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